# Browsing your backup data You can browse data backed up by EO Backup For Salesforce Entry edition through the EO Portal 1. Go to the *Salesforce Backup* page on the [Portal](portal:sf). - If not already authenticated, please sign in. 2. **Click** *Manage* on the Entry service you want to view. 3. **Click** *Browse* to navigate to the restore page. ## Using record filters 1. Here you can select the object type, and apply filters in order to find the data that you wish to restore. - The portal suggests a number of in-built conditional operators, such as *contains, equals, starts with, is null* and so on. These operators are used to make queries to databases. 2. **Click** Search. The portal will show the results satisfying your search parameters in the **Records** section. 3. **Select** the files from the search results displayed in the Records section. 4. Once you have selected the desired results, **click** *Create restore job*. 5. This will open the New restore job wizard. You can follow [Using the Restore Job Wizard](/salesforce/guides/entry_edition/manage/restore.md#using-the-restore-job-wizard) to learn more.