Add a Microsoft 365 Organisation

Protect a Microsoft 365 Organisation

  1. Go to the Microsoft 365 Backup page on the Portal.

    • If not already authenticated, please sign in.

  2. If you are linking your first organisation, skip to Connecting a Microsoft 365 Organisation.

  3. Click Protect another organisation.
    Add Organisation

Connecting a Microsoft 365 Organisation

  • On the Connect to your Microsoft 365 domain page, complete the form as such:

    1. Organisation Name – The name of your Microsoft 365 organisation in the format

    2. Backup Region – The physical location of where the backup would be stored.

    3. Retention Period – This sets how long your data should be stored.

    4. Retention Type – This defines how the retention period is applied to the backup. More information can be found here: Retention Types.

    5. Press Create.

    6. You will be presented with a code.

      • Go to Microsoft’s authentication page (do not close the portal page), enter the code displayed previously, and login to your Microsoft 365 organisation.

      • At the Are you trying to sign in to Microsoft Azure CLI? stage, press Continue.

      • You can now close this window.

    7. Return to the portal and press I have signed in.

Once your organisation has been linked, you will have to confirm your backup configuration.
An initial backup will be taken after the configuration has been confirmed.