Restoring as an Administrator

As an administrator, you can browse and restore any backup data for your organisation, using the Veeam Explorers.

Open and browse an Organisation Backup using Veeam Explorers

Once you have set up your computer with the Veeam software, and an initial backup of the organisation has completed, you can browse the backup data.

In the following examples we will use Veeam Explorer for Exchange to browse email data. For a more in-depth look at all the Veeam Explorers, visit Veeam Explorers Documentation.

  1. Open the relevant backup explorer for the data you are interested in. This can be found in the Windows Start Menu→ Veeam Folder → Veeam Explorer for Exchange.

  2. Click Add Store.

  3. Click Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 service provider…

  4. This will open the login screen:

    1. Click Copy code to copy the device login code to your clipboard.

    2. Click the device login link.

    3. Paste the code into the prompt.

    4. Sign in with your Microsoft 365 credentials.

    5. Return to the Veeam Explorer.

  5. You will now be authenticated. Before clicking connect, you may choose a point in time to browse older backups under “specify point in time”, or just click “Connect” for the latest backup point.

  6. You will now be able to browse the backup data under the entries in the left hand panel.

Restore files from Backup

Once you have found the file that you want to restore, you can right click the file and Restore. You can keep or replace the original files.